Wiki: Schlafplatz/Sleeping Sharing


Verfügbare Plätze / available accommodations Beschreibung / description Kontakt / contact letze Aktualisierung / last update
0 This is an example, please leave it in place (copy it!) ... ...
1-2 Save place to sleep for women. Offered by my girlfriend (I am just the admin). Plz send us something about you. We'll decide on the 26th. ...
3 Hotel apartment in center of Hamburg, 20 mins from venue. Single beds. 27-31 December. Price €33 - 50 per night (depending on amount of people) 2024-12-22
3 we've got an AirBnB close to the congress, only about 800m away, with three rooms with 2 beds in each room. In each room there is one bed left. 317€ per person from 27-30. 2024-12-26 12:58
2 Hotelroom for two at Elbgalerie Hotel HamburMitte from 26 - 30.12 (matrix) 2024-12-26 16:58
2 Hotelroom for two at Mercure Hotel Hamburg Mitte from 26 - 30.12 (matrix) 2024-12-26 00:10
2 (or 1 + couple) Offering place in Superbude hotel St. Pauli. - our room is for 6 ppl but we are only three. One twin bed, one single bed. Price €200-€300pp depending on how much ppl we find. Until 31th of december, non-smoking, breakfast not included. 25min walk from CCC (or 10m by train + walk) +32 470 87 84 91 2024-12-28


Plätze gesucht / places wanted Beschreibung / description Kontakt / contact
0 This is an example, please leave it in place (copy it!) ...
2 Students (20m, 18f) searching for dry place to sleep at best would be 27-30th. Thanks in advance!
1 I am looking for a place to stay in the night of the 25th to the 26th. :)
1 I am looking for a place to stay from the 27th to the 30th. :)
1 (28, male) first time congress visitor, looking for a place to sleep from 26th through 30th or 31st. Can and like to cook, can bring own mattress and sleeping bag /
1 Looking for a couch or something to sleep, maybe i can offer cuddles (if i think that you are cute) or cook for you :3 matrix: mastodon: email:
1 25m, first time at the congress, looking for a place to sleep. can bring my matress and sleeping bag, can cook or do other favors in exchange :)
1 A minor misscomunication with my accomodation leads me to needing a place to stay in the night of the 25th to the 26th. O_o
1 Need a place on the floor and/or a shower during TEARDOWN (30.12 - ca 2.1 maybe longer) / dect 8221