
Day 1
Tintin Patrone
Tintin Patrone is a German-Filipino sound and performance artist whose work explores the intersections of music, art, sound, and experimental forms. Her minimal sound works and long-duration performances are shaped by studies in microtonality and often explore tuning, intonation, and harmonic modulation, moving gradually through sustained tones produced by trombone and various modulation devices. Having performed at festivals like Skaņu Mežs (LV), Intonal (SE), Meakusma (BE), Unsafe&Sound (AT), and Lacking Sound Fest (TW), Patrone has become a notable presence within the experimental music scene. Intriguing and richly layered, Patrone’s work both live and installed also has a playfulness and transparency that’s utterly compelling. Though complex, her pieces never get consumed by theoretical or academic posturing. It’s disarmingly moving, often raucous, occasionally hilarious in the serendipitous sonic events that occur. http://www.tintinpatrone.com/