Day 4
Vegan Chaos: Farewell Meeting
Heute brechen wir die Zelte ab. Wir treffen uns als vegane Hacktivist:innen und Wesen mit Interesse an Tierrechten und nachhaltiger Entwicklung zum Farewell Meeting – um gemeinsam das Erlebte Revue passieren zu lassen und konkrete Absprachen zu treffen: Wie setzen wir die Organisierung der Vegan Chaos Community fort, was sind die nächsten Ideen, Pläne und Projekte?
Today we are pulling down our tents. We are meeting as vegan hacktivists and beings with an interest in animal rights and sustainability for a farewell meeting - to look back together on what we have experienced and to make concrete arrangements: How do we continue organising the Vegan Chaos Community? What are the next ideas, plans and projects?
There will also be opportunities for personal get-togethers after the Congress: Is a Vegan Chaos travelling group forming for GPN23 or the WHY2025 Camp in the Netherlands? What else could happen next? Come along, let's put our heads together!
More Information
Visit the Vegan Chaos Community Assembly
Follow us at Mastodon: @vegan@chaos.social
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