Welcome to the 38. Chaos Communication Congress Public Wiki (which is as always, work in progress)!
You are on the splash page,
From here, you can navigate to the following pages:
- CCH – about the venue, it's rooms and how we use them at 38C3
- Design
- Ride Sharing
- Couch/sleeping place Sharing
- Ticket Exchange
- Dating – offering things and seeking things and people
- Schedule – the conference program schedule, tools, apps
- fahrplan.events.ccc.de – classic export of the three main rooms
- Abfahrplan – curated music contributions
- Schedule
- currently running talks/events
- Apps
- What is the Hub?
- Howto Markdown – which you can use in Wiki pages & room/event descriptions
- Projects — Share your project at 38C3
- Volunteering — Participate! Be an angel!
- Assemblies — Set up your own place
- Congress Everywhere — Unable to attend the congress in Hamburg? Run your local Gathering!
- Hackspace Introductions — Briefly present your hack space on stages at 38C3
- Self-organized Sessions (SoS) — Self scheduled hands-on workshops, talks, hand-ons, meetings and other events: just do it!
- Lightning Talks — Give a short introduction on a topic.
- Feedback — Document press reviews, link your photos or give some own feedback
- Infobeamer – Digital signage and intermission fun
- APIs
- Dashboards
- Supporters— thank you!
- Safety and Security at the 38C3
This is a wiki page, you are welcome to contribute. Learn how to use the wiki.